Maktab haqida
Direktorlardan maktub
Maktab vazifasi, maqsadi, tasavvuri
Ish o'rinlari
Maktab ustunlari
O'quvchilar xavfsizligi
Ma'lumotlar xavfsizligi
Biz haqimizda
Qabul bosqichlari
Maktabga tashrif
Psixologik test
Boshlang'ich sinf (1-4)
O'rta sinf (5-8)
Yuqori sinf (9-11)
San'at mashg'ulotlari
Qo'l mehnatlari
Jismoniy mashg'ulotlar
Yashil mashg'ulotlar
Tarbiyaviy mashg'ulotlar
Qabulga oid savollar
Maktab hayotiga oid savollar
Ro'yxatdan o'tish
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This is a single-choice question. Which option best reflects your preference?
A quick and efficient option
A thorough and thoughtful approach
A balanced and moderate choice
A creative and unconventional solution
This question has answer options displayed as images. Which one best resonates with you?
A soothing, warm-toned image
A minimalist and simple aesthetic
A bold and colorful aesthetic
A vibrant and lively scene
This is a multiple-choice question with an image next to the options. Which ones resonate with you the most?
I prioritize speed and efficiency
I value precision and attention to detail
I prefer flexibility and adaptability
I focus on achieving results and meeting goals
This is a range-slider question. How would you rate your preference on a scale from 1 to 10?
1 – Not important
10 – Extremely important
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